Thanksgiving Day

Since we are celebrating Thanksgiving on the Kuehner side on Saturday and celebrating Thanksgiving on the Franzen side in two weeks for Saint Nicholas day,  today we had an open day to just kind of hang out at home. We had a chance to talk to Kyle last night to wish him a Happy Thanksgiving and that was really nice! So the guys watched football for awhile and then we headed outside to put the corner trim strips on the Roadhouse. It went really fast and when we were deciding awhile ago if we should put new trim on or not, I’m really glad that we did go with the new. It really sets off the building and the next step will be either electrical or the doors. I guess we’ll have to see who shows up first.

Daryl and William working on the trim

The inside of the shed

I’m attaching a photo of  what the inside of the building looks like now. The ceiling is done and the side walls are primed. I’m thinking that maybe on Sunday we’ll try to start painting the walls.

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3 Responses to Thanksgiving Day

  1. tammy k. says:

    I was reading that you have relatives named Franzen… Do you have any old family connections to south central Illinois? There used to be a grocery store in my little town here run by a family with that name.

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