Hallmark Christmas Movies

This year for some reason the only Christmas movies that we seem to find on our TV network are Hallmark ones. 

Now I’m not saying anything bad about them – but we’ve learned quite a bit about them this year. We’ve learned that there is definitely a pattern to most or all of them! There is always kind of a mean girl/or guy who is a trouble maker and the game that we played was for the first one to find out what the plot of the movie is. 

OK so we’ve gotten pretty good at this! We’ve gotten so good that we can pick out within the first few minutes where the movie was going to go. But that didn’t stop us from watching the rest of the movie to make sure that we were right. 

I think I’m making it sound really terrible and it really wasn’t that bad at all. And it gave us an excuse to sit down this busy Christmas season and take a break with each other.

But to be honest, I think I’ve got enough of these movies now until next Christmas season rolls around again!  

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