Opening gifts and kicking back

Today was a little quieter day and once again we found ourselves with family and food. I’m seeing a pattern and I’m liking it! 

We all met again on the farm and just had warm ups from the past couple of days. I think I’m going to run into some trouble next week because one of these days I’m going to have to cook! But for now? Yea, we’ve got prime rib and chicken for dinner. Yum! 

I think this is a good picture of some of the groomsmen today. Just kind of hanging out on the porch with our dogs nearby. Yup, it was that kind of a day,  DSCN9401

The kids were lucky to have been given to them quite a few wedding gifts and after we all ate, it was time for them to start unwrapping them. The gifts they received were so unbelievable and what a blessing it will be to have those things for their new home. DSCN9406

And it wasn’t long into the day when Kyle and Kelcie had to leave to catch their plane back to New York. DSCN9408The only good thing about them having to leave so early this weekend is that I know that they are going to try to make it back in June for our family reunion. 🙂

When the gifts were all opened and everyone left, I still didn’t feel too exhausted. See everyone .. and I mean Everyone! said that you will feel like you got run over by a truck after the wedding. Humm well not yet, but I hope I’m ready when it happens.  

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