Meet our new baby – Robin

We knew that Sassy was getting close and any day now she was going to have a baby. And today was the day! 

She literally just had it after I got home tonight from work and it’s a little girl! 

Sassy is pretty protective of her and it was hard to get a good photo right away, so I’ve attached a couple of pictures of the new calf – Robin, that I took a couple of days later. fullsizeoutput_a67

Robin seems to be jumping around a lot and enjoying just being out in the cow yard – it’s so fun to see her and Bandit just having a great time and why they like to climb the manure pile is news to me. But both of the Mom’s aren’t letting them out of their sight and are keeping a good watch on them all the time. 

And for some reason I’m thinking that Robin is going to be a big Mama’s baby! fullsizeoutput_a69

So just in case you’re wondering who’s all hanging out in the cow yard these days with the two little calves: we’ve got No Ears (the Queen of the Cow Yard) Scarlet (who is just the BEST cow ever and Bandit’s Mom) Sassy ( new mom to Robin) & Lucy (one of the shyest cows around) & Audrey 🙂

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