Good Bye to Ed, Suny, and Charles

It’s that time of the year again when we take a look at our cattle and see who we can keep for the summer and who will have to leave. 

Well we’ve been talking about getting rid of Ed for sometime and I guess that time has come. I don’t know if it’s fate or what, but now that I have the big picture of Ed in our kitchen, he will be off to the sale barn this weekend. Note to self: don’t make any more pictures of our cows 🙂

With Daryl and I in the cow yard, the cows knew that something was up. And finally we got everyone separated but Ed, Suny, and Charles and  it was time to bring in the cattle trailer and get them loaded up. fullsizeoutput_a12

Let me just say that No Ears was not happy! We had the worst time with her standing by the trailer and just making the worst noise and very obviously upset. Well this wasn’t helping anything because we needed to get the cows loaded and brought to the sale barn yet tonight. 

Finally we had gotten them loaded and now to get out of the yard without No Ears freaking out. She literally followed the trailer just bawling and following us through the yard until Daryl got out of the gate. I couldn’t even leave the cow yard to shut the gate because she was trying her best to keep following the trailer in our farm yard. fullsizeoutput_a11She was so upset. Even if you don’t like cows as much as I do, I’m thinking that you would still think it was sad. She ended up bawling late into the night. 

So we got to the sales barn and when the worker there saw Ed, Daryl said that he was kind of scared. Well Daryl told him not to worry because he’s not a mean bull at all and that I feed him apples by hand. fullsizeoutput_a10

Ed ended up weighing 2,320 lbs.  

Good Bye Ed, Charles, and Suny.

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