Christmas 2016

Well it’s time to take down the inside decorations and that means also the tree.20170102_172252_resized It was hard to think that it’s time to do this because today was a dreary day outside with all the rain going on. 

But even though our tree really never dropped any needles, I was ready to have it go outside for it’s new purpose now as a hiding spot for the bunnies in the back yard. And as much as I like having it up, it’s just as nice having it taken down to put the room back in order. I usually plan on having the outside lights on until Three Kings Day and this year that date is January 6th. I think most everyone turns their lights out way before this, but oh well, I guess I’ll keep them wondering how long we’re going to leave them on 🙂 

We really had a great Christmas this year once again. From the first weekend of December with St. Nicolas Day with my whole family which means around 55 to 60 people, to having our kids here to enjoy our own Christmas together. dscn9227dscn9237Now to be honest this week some of the meals were just thrown together20161226_190815_resizedbut I don’t think anyone cared too much about that. We even had some New York bagels expressed delivered from… New York, for a breakfast sandwich one of the mornings20161231_113236_resized to homemade noodles for beef soup one night.dscn9230

We made some bath fizzys and lotion 20161230_205202to head back with the kids and I’m not going to say who won the annual Card Game ….but I’m thinking you can guess who was the WINNER! BAM! dscn9228

So with the Holidays over and taking the kids to the airport for their trip back20170101_184202_resizedit’s time again for the 5 day work weeks. But I’m thinking it’ll be May real soon and William & Jude’s wedding will be here before we know it.  It’s going to be a really fun Spring!! 

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