Our house is quiet

It’s odd isn’t it how your house can be so busy and the next day it’s so quiet?

Well that’s how our house is today after all the kids left and I guess it’s time for us to get back into a routine ourselves. 

I laughed when I was outside earlier and the dogs were just walking around not sure what was going on. I think they get more attention in one of the weekends that the kids are home than probably in a week with just Daryl and I. And the best part of this whole gig is that no one scolds them even if they have cockle-burrs matted in their fur and everything!

So I noticed with the farm is a little quieter that the dogs have gone back to watching bald eagles fly over our farm and then barking and barking at the birds to show them that this farm belongs to them. They look a little foolish barking as they are running through the yard, but they seem not to mind who’s watching. As for the birds, yea I’m not sure what they’re thinking 🙂



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