From Nashville, to deer AND skunks, to Irish Fest, to rain and more rain, some mulching, and finally rainbows!

I know that I haven’t been keeping up with this blog  .. again, but I promise that I’ll try to catch you up as the rest of the week goes on with all the happenings from a long fun weekend in Nashville to trying to outsmart a skunk!  

But for now Daryl and I are working on getting the Roadhouse ready because it’s got a pretty full venue these next two weeks. 

Tomorrow (Wednesday) the music group that Daryl sings with will be using it for practice, then Friday William and his friends will be using it for the weekend for a main hangout for the Irish Fest, after that on the following week it’ll be used for the Kuehner Fun Day! 

Whew! Right? What a great place to be able to use for our family. 

Well it’s not so bad and I just want to get the floor scrubbed yet tonight and then after a good shower, and then head to bed. I’ve got an early morning tomorrow because Kyle is all packed and heading home for about a week. So everyone will be home both this weekend and next. Life is good! 

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