Staying in bed?

How come when you have a chance to sleep in, you just can’t do it? Maybe you’re a lot luckier in falling back to sleep on the weekends, but I’m just not so lucky. 

So just like on cue, I woke up early on Sunday morning and realized that it was the weekend. SCORE! And that only means one thing. We can sleep in late. So I laid there and even pulled the blanket over my head just to try to try to relax and fall back asleep. 

And was I successful? Absolutely not. Finally after laying there for about an hour, I had enough. I definitely had plenty to do, so I should just get up and do it.

First things first, I started to do some laundry and then to get the dishwasher unloaded and scrub the floor. I got the chickens fed and eggs picked and washed and then moved onto getting some paperwork done. Finally I started to clean the basement and try to work on downsizing my stuff that I’ve got stored that I’m positive that I don’t need. 

When the rest of the crew got up, bacon was done and the house smelled great. 

Now what should we do with the rest of the day? Well Daryl got out the Chevelle and it was  a road trip kind of afternoon. We ended up going to Gunder Iowa 20160515_134259_resized_1and had a LOT of good food! If you are ever headed that way and are able to stop in, you’ll know what I mean. 20160515_134312_resized_1

Time to head home. We took the long way home just to enjoy the rest of the afternoon.20160515_134649_resized_1 And once we got home Daryl worked on mowing the lawn, and I took some notes that was needed  from the teacher interviews that Kyle and I did for our upcoming town book.

You know maybe it’s a good thing that I didn’t stay in bed after all!

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