Chickens, Ducks or both?

20160414_155040_resizedI went tonight to get my new little chickens that I pre-ordered from a local hatchery and well I just couldn’t resist when I walked by the newest batch of ducks that were just hatched. I saw these cute little guys and just had to get some for the farm. And I did really well, I only picked out a couple of them. I wanted to know if they could tell if I got boys or girl ducks because I know how fast they can multiply – but the girl working gave me a funny look because they normally sell their ducks for people to raise and butcher them for food. I knew better than to dare to say that I wanted some new friends for our chickens to hang out with. So finally the girl said it was too early to tell so I guess I’ll find out later this summer won’t I? 

And tonight the ducks and chickens are all tucked in for the night in the side of the chicken coop that can be locked up. I’ll have to see if I can get a couple of pictures of the new little chickens that I got tonight this weekend. Now if I can just keep Checkers the cat out of the coop I’ll be doing good! 


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