Happy Birthday Dad!

Dad has been gone now for 9 years and it seems just like yesterday that we were taking rides in one of his old cars. See Dad loved what is called now ‘vintage’ cars and even though he had quite a few of them – I think us kids all would vote that the 1948 Packard would be our favorite! 

This car was not only a rarity in the car world with not many made in a span of a couple of years, but also with the depression going on and with the wood on the outside of it, it made it even more rare.

So when Dad would get the car out and the back tail gate would flip down and we’d all crawl in, we knew that it was going to be fun. This was a time when us kids could all crawl in the back and not need any seat belts or even seats to be honest. See the back was an open area so a lot of us could fit in it at one time! I’m guessing we were loud like you would expect kids to be, but I never remember getting into trouble for it. Weird now that I think about it. And back then living on the gravel road never stopped Dad for taking a Sunday drive!

Eventually as time went on, Dad sold it a few years before he passed away but he did have a chance to visit the owner one summer to check in on it. As I was talking to my brother tonight about the car,  we think that someone should go visit it again just to see how it’s doing 🙂

And how did this whole memory start? Well Ma found a picture while cleaning out an old drawer or something and it was Dad with his car. Pretty cool picture and a pretty cool Dad! img417

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One Response to Happy Birthday Dad!

  1. tammy k. says:

    what great memories! i remember what a treat it was to take a sunday drive to go get ice cream, or just to drive around.

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