Saying ‘Yes’ to the dress and celebrating my Birthday!

What a fun day today was!

It started out with an invitation from our future daughter in law to come and see the dress she had picked out for their wedding. She went one day with her mom just to look and as fate would have it she found the absolute perfect dress. So today she wanted everyone to see what she had picked out and it was absolutely beautiful! I LOVE it! It was so fun to have also my Mom invited because the last time she thought that she was in a bridal shop looking at wedding dresses was with me 30+ years ago. I sure wish I would have been on the opposite side of the room and saw all our faces when Jude came out with her dress on though. I think we would have fit just perfect on the show ‘Say Yes to the dress’ because the whole room was smiles! 20160130_125348

Next on the agenda was to hang out with Mom after we came from the bridal shop to install her new satellite TV box. It was supposed to be an unplug the old one and plug in the new one. Yea, not so much! After about two hours I gave up! And come to find out that it might just be as simple that she might need a new dish outside. So on Monday we have someone coming in to see just what in the heck is the problem. Until then? Well I know that she has her cell phone all charged up for the night to pass some of the time.

Then it was time to get home and see what the guys had planned for the night. When I walked into our kitchen at our farm I saw that William had made a red velvet birthday cake! Yum!! So we decided to all head out for a fun restaurant 20160130_194150and then eat the cake later for dessert once we got home. DSCN8581

I had to laugh because they only put one 5 on the cake instead of two. Well we reuse all our candles from year to year and we must have improvised when Daryl turned 55 with only having one to use. But who cares because the cake was smelling awesome and I was ready for a piece with some gold vanilla ice cream on it.

What a fun day and my birthday isn’t even until next week 🙂


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