Roller Derby Action

Now I don’t know if you’ve gone to a Roller Derby lately, but I haven’t until Saturday night and it was a Hoot! We were all pretty new to this sport and we were anxious to see the Push-Up Brawlers at their best. When we got there it didn’t take long and I went to the table where they were selling ‘stuff’ because I really wanted one of their T-shirts. I looked around and noticed that they also go by the name Cedar Valley Derby Divas and to me that just wasn’t as catchy as the Push-Up Brawlers – so I guess no new T-shirt for me tonight. And seriously I don’t really need another T-shirt anyway. (but I kinda did want one)

So we got our tickets and now it was show time. The sport isn’t quite like it was when we’d watch it on TV about a million years ago but still fun to watch. They used to grab one of the girls on their team and just whip her around the track. But on this night the Dibrarian could get through blocks that pretty much no one else could without having being whipped around. There was still a lot of arms and elbows pushing each other and the penalty box was used a lot! I think because there was a lot of rules to learn, the announcer gave an overview of how this was going to do down and we found ourselves going back to our schedule with the rules to see if we could catch what the points that were just given. I think the guys had it kinda figured out, but for me? Well I was just rooting for team that was loosing and hoping that Dirty Shirley was going to make up some of the point gap. 12573223_1068195179886826_8365878262886894993_n

It really looked like they were having fun and it almost made me want to get some roller skates and go out skating again. I said almost 🙂

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