My dentist experience

Today was the day that I had to go back to the dentist to get my crown put on my tooth. Now I’ve had the last two appointments rescheduled do to a death in the dentist’s family and well one of them was because the temporary cap fell off. For the cap falling off, I slapped on some toothpaste and shoved it back on hard and thought to myself why am I going to the dentist again? So that was one of the appointments that was changed.

But tonight? Tonight I had to go and spend some time in the dentist chair. Yea, so not cool! You know that it’s going to be a bad time when the dentist tells you that it’s going to hurt. And that it’s going to hurt a couple of times. Holy Smokes she was right about that!! They took some high pressured air compressor or something and wanted to dry my tooth off before the permanent cap went on. Seriously what was so bad about the toothpaste glue theory again? But I just kept thinking it’ll be over soon and after what seemed like an eternity it was actually on the tooth. But then … then they couldn’t get the floss in between the cap and neighboring tooth. I thought, no big deal I don’t really floss back there that often anyway! But decided to keep that thought to myself. So after one of the helpers pulled my cheek one way and the other one took a type of sandpaper to get the small piece of glue out, and pulled the other cheek the opposite way I decided that I was not having a good time at all.

The only good part of the whole thing was to actually leave and head home. Then I saw the sky and that it almost looked like it was on fire. After stopping a couple of times on the highway (yes I did pull off the road) I finally snapped this picture. Kinda cool right? The poles off in the distance or really windmill’s in the fields.  20151208_164344

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2 Responses to My dentist experience

  1. Bruce says:

    One crown, that’s child’s play I’ve got 13 root canals.

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