To cover or not to cover? That is the question.

I truly believe that you can make life as stressful or stressless as you like. And what am I doing lately? Well I’ve got the stressful thing going on.

What’s going on is that it’s supposed to get a hard freeze tonight. OK, no big deal right? I mean we’ve been talking about this for quite some time now. But the kicker to this conversation is that should I cover the flowers or let them die?

I had all good intentions of having them just die. I mean it’s October for goodness sake! But I talked to my Mom after work on the way home and after she said she was bringing in some of her flowers for the fall, well crap I guess I should probably too.

So out comes the sheets from the bottom drawer in the laundry room. I still couldn’t decide if I was going to for sure or not cover up the flowers and I just had to wait until it was getting dark to make my decision. Now granted this would be a much easier job to do when it was light out, but nope I was doing it at around 8:00 pm. I think there was some procrastination also happening here. And to top it off I was even kinda thinking to myself just what am I doing? The flowers that were portable that I was trying to lug across the farm yard to the greenhouse in the back yard were looking pretty sick anyway. It’s such a long process of carrying them back out and then back and forth until .. well until you just can’t take it anymore! (this is where the stress part comes in) Now my Mom takes in her geraniums and they stay looking so nice all winter long. For me? Well I’ve got just mostly have some petunias that I’m trying to hang on to that honestly wasn’t made to live a long life. But it is supposed to warm up again and maybe they’ll come back, who knows right? And it is about the only time that the extra sheets gets washed. So for now I guess that I’ll keep covering them. IMG_3426

The photo of the day is the one set of flowers that I’m not bothering to save. The dogs for some reason always think that there is gold or something in this flowerbed and proceed to dig all the dirt out. Sometimes I put in barbed wire in with the flowers to try to keep the dogs and chickens out, and it looks like I might have to do that again next year.DSCN8332

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2 Responses to To cover or not to cover? That is the question.

  1. tammy k. says:

    yeah, i had the same conversation with myself. i did not cover the flowers. it was just a few pots and if they froze, so be it! like you said, it’s october.

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