Goals – Half Marathon

I had a goal this year and I even put it on my 2015 schedule! So it’s like the law right? What it was is to run in a half marathon this year. My training started out pretty strong at the beginning of the year, but as the summer months rolled by I found out that the only time that I was able to get in any running in was to do the local 5k’s. Yea, not such a good training program now is it? But with our schedules it’s what you have to do right?

So I thought that if I signed up for the half marathon for October it would keep me on track. Well that didn’t happen either. Right now that $ is looking more like it’s a donation because I’m so not ready.

I’m pretty disappointed in myself that I’m not going to do it,  but I guess it’s just what it is.

But look out next year! I WILL be ready!!

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