The weather is changing

You know when you can feel that the weather is changing and it’s switching from summer to fall? Well I think that is what is going on and I’m pretty sure that I do not like it! I mean the forecast for the next couple of days is for us to get into the 50’s for a low. WHAT? I’m not ready to give up the warm summer days at all! Now don’t get me wrong I do know that it’s coming and it’s all part of this changing of the seasons – but no one said that I had to like it right. I mean I’ve got the kayak out only once this year and that sure doesn’t seem like enough now does it? But I guess I better get used to it, I mean it’s going to be September in a week or so and that is probably considered Fall on the calendar. And then soon it’ll be snowing again! Oh my 🙁

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