Random Flower Pictures

Daryl and I are heading out for a couple of days of bike riding and when I was showing Kyle the flowers to keep watered this week, I thought to myself that they are looking pretty darn good! I know that he’s going to give it his best to keep them watered, but the weather this week is supposed to be HOT! So we’ll see. It’s not the end of the world if they look a little different when we come back.

So here are my random flower pictures that I took this morning. And as for the rest of the week it’ll be pretty quiet on the blog because I don’t think I’ll be able to update it daily, but when we get back I’ll for sure give an overview of everything , well most everything 🙂 that we came across on our adventure.

Happy Trails to you!DSCN0197DSCN0205DSCN0198DSCN0199DSCN0201DSCN0203DSCN0204DSCN0207


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