Mystery Photo 7-15-15

OK I double dog dare you to guess this one!

Here is the clueIMG_3191

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7 Responses to Mystery Photo 7-15-15

  1. Bruce says:

    Looks like a bar of your famous soap.

  2. Judy says:

    A rock wall with swallow nests on your kayaking adventures?

  3. farm2011 says:

    It’s not a picture that I took kayaking or my soap.

  4. ELAINE says:


  5. Gene says:

    Close up of Pluto. 🙂

  6. farm2011 says:

    OK, so there is one answer that’s pretty close. But the answer is close and not exactly correct. Can you guess which one it is?

  7. ELAINE says:

    bread dough rising!!!!!!!~

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