
Tonights experiment was to make homemade mints. Now everyone has told me that they are so super easy, so I was going to give it a try to bring to a baby shower and also a wedding shower on Saturday.

First things first. I needed to figure out just what was needed. I thought that I needed a whole sheet of mint molds because then I would just fill all the molds, run a rolling pin over them and Shazam! I’d be mass producing them and would be done in no time.

That was the plan and honestly I felt pretty smart coming up with the idea.

But when I went to buy the mold for the mints they only were selling them one mold at a time. Now that’s crazy talk isn’t it? When I asked them why they don’t sell them in a sheet so you can get more done, they looked at me like I was crazy.

So I bought a couple of each design and some flavoring and home is where I headed. I still thought my idea was a good one but I figured that I’d give the idea of making one at a time a chance.

Yea, my idea wasn’t so smart after all. Once I got started, I realized that I was going to do everything that I could just to get enough made for tomorrow’s showers. There definitely was an art to this whole mint making thing, and for some reason I don’t think I showed up for that art class!

But I made the commitment to my sister that I was bringing them, so I decided to buckle down and just get it done. The recipe is so super easy, it’s crazy! For the recipe you take a package of cream cheese (8 oz) and mix it with a bag of powdered sugar (2 lbs) That’s it. I added food coloring and some flavoring and then you roll them in small balls and sugar and put them in your molds. Well, this is where it takes some time and I realized why the ladies at the store looked at me and I swear that I heard them say under their breath Rookie. I decided that this isn’t something that you can rush and I also found out that you really shouldn’t eat all the ones that don’t turn out so good. It was for sure a learning experience for me tonight!

I finally had a bunch of lemon yellow mints, cherry pink mints, and finally almond grey ones (they looked more purple for some reason) sitting on tin foil on the table so I packed the remaining mint mixture into a bowl and called it for the night. It was around midnight and I really needed to get to bed. This is the part where I mentioned that you shouldn’t eat all the rejected mints. I had a lot, and I mean a LOT of these sugar mints in me and for the life of me I couldn’t fall asleep. I needed to get some rest because I’m in the first 5k of the season and I need all the help I can get.

So when I looked back at the pictures that I took of making the mints, I had to laugh because I took one when I was mixing them up and then… that was it. You know when you’re doing a project and when you’ve done it for a couple of hours you’re kind of ready to be done with it?

But let me just tell you that these mints are easy to mix up and pretty darn good!

So here is my photo of my mints for the night

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