Sunday stuff

It was so funny this morning because we all woke up and felt that we overslept. The sun was shining so bright and I don’t know if we haven’t seen much sunshine lately that it kind of freaked us out, but it was only 5:30 am. Crazy!!

First things first. This weekends soap is called ‘Fancy Chickens’ and is a yellow soap (I hope the color stays!) and has the fragrance of Lemon Verbena. It smells pretty good, so I guess we’ll see.  It should also turn darker, so I’m hoping it won’t loose the yellow color. I’m not the best at this coloring stuff yet. And for the name?  I wanted to really call this soap ‘Chicken Legs’ but it sounds like something that you’re supposed to be eating instead. Not really the way I was going with this…

Fancy Chickens

Fancy Chickens

The rest of the day was spent having an Irish Fest meeting at our house in the morning and then another one later in the afternoon. Whew! It’s a good thing that everything is coming together and we should be ready.

Daryl cut hay most of the afternoon and he said that it looks pretty nice. I didn’t go out and look at it yet, but hoping to get there before it gets too dry. Now I know that you want the hay to dry and all, but it’s so much prettier when it’s green 🙂

Ready for the first hay crop of the season

Ready to cut hay, grind feed, and also pick rock! Yup it’s Spring in Iowa



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