Incriminating hoof prints

You know when your kids would do a certain noise, that meant that either one of them was sitting on the other kids head or you better get a band aid handy because there’s probably blood involved. There is a third kind of sound that catches your ear just as fast and that’s the ‘What in the world are they doing sound’. It’s not as loud as the first two sounds and it’s almost undetectable, but it’s there. Does this ring a bell for some of you? I hope you know what I’m trying to explain because I have a cow story for you.

By now your’e thinking where in the world is she going with this! But here is my story with the ‘odd noise’ from Sassy.

Friday night at our house was pretty uneventful. Everyone is just chillin’ and I’m upstairs working on stuff. Then all of a sudden I could hear the dogs just barking and barking. Well by now you know that I CAN NOT stand when our dogs bark, so down the steps I go and head outside to see what was going on. I looked around and couldn’t see anything, so after scolding the dogs, in the house I go and back upstairs.

Well it wasn’t 5 minutes and they start barking and barking again. Now for some reason I am the only one I swear in the whole universe that can ever hear our dogs bark. So down the steps I stomp and I’m back outside. I could hear another dog barking in the neighborhood and by this time – yup I had it! So into the barn the dogs go for the night. And that should take care of that!

Back into the house and stomp stomp stomp up the stairs I go again and I’m hoping that this is the end of it for the night.

So about now I’m settling in with a good movie upstairs when something caught my ear. It was one of those times  for some reason you stop and squint your eyes and tilt your head to listen more closely. Honestly when do we squint? Crazy thought isn’t it? Anyway, it was Sassy and she sounded like either she or No Ears was in trouble.

Down the steps I go and ask Daryl to go with me to see what was the problem. I said that the cows made a funny sound and something was up.

On go our chore shoes and outside we go. Daryl grabs some hay and I head out to the pasture with a flashlight to see what was up. It didn’t take long and then I realized – – – no cows! Yup, that is what was going on. Both with the dogs barking and the funny noises from Sassy were the clues they gave us that they had indeed escaped!

So now Kyle is getting his chore shoes on and found another flashlight and we’re off to find the cows. All I could think of was that the dogs were pretty smart and instead of yelling like a crazy person at them, I think I should have paid more attention to why they were barking.

Finally the escapees were found in our grove and rallied together and eventually were back in their pen. We found out that Ed pushed on a gate until he broke them all out for the night.

And they would have gotten away with until they made just that one small wrong sound.

Saturday morning picture of our lawn

Saturday morning picture of our lawn

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