Happy Mother’s Day!

As I’m sitting at our kitchen table thinking about the topic of my Mother’s day post was going to be about, I looked up at our refrigerator and found my answer.

First let me show you what I saw

The boys

The boys

This is a picture that has been on our refrigerator for literally years and it still makes me smile today as much as the day that I put it up there.

Now you’ve seen pictures of our kids on this blog – probably more times than you can count 🙂  but this one is from 1996 and from the looks of it, our kitchen table was the location for the picture.

Don’t get me wrong, I have tons of pictures of the boys that are special, but this one just is pretty much is up there for one of my favorites. William looks a little nervous and Kyle is right beside him telling him that everything is OK. Yup, Love it! Now you can make a good case that that’s not what really is going on and you could be right  – but I’m sticking to my story because… we’ll it’s Mother’s day right?

When I look at the picture I think of how many things that you go through as a family and all the changes that happen along that journey. I mean we went from Thomas the Tank Engine toys, to Ghostbuster slime kit, 3 D puzzles and Nintendo. And then just like that we had girls hanging out at our house and college moving in days!

I always hear everyone saying around Mother’s day is that the Mom’s are always standing beside the kids and helping them along all the different steps that they will be taking. But I’m not sure that’s really how I would describe it. I think my definition of being a Mom is that they are the ones that can hear what the kids are saying without them actually having to say it out loud. They are the ones that even though they know that some of the choices that their kids make might not necessary agree with your own ideas, but you need to let them grow and figure it out themselves. Who knows – maybe your ideas need to change? (pretty sure not, but maybe?) There is a movie that I think describes how I feel a Mom is in real life. If you’ve ever seen the movie ‘A Christmas Story’ the Mom on there that really shows what a Mom is to me. She is always the last one to sit down for a meal, she knows things about the kids that maybe no one else really needs to know, and would do just about anything in the world for her kids.

Spending Saturday morning with the boys

Spending Saturday morning with the boys

So here’s a shout out for my Mom who probably knows stuff about us kids over the years, both good and bad. I’m sure for me it was only good stuff, but the others? Yea, hopefully she can keep good secrets. Our Mom is always the last one to sit down for a meal and sometimes she doesn’t even sit down until everyone is done. She has worked hard her whole life both farming and taking care of our family and now at 85 years old she seems to be even more active than pretty much anyone else than I know. I tried to call her today to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day, and she just got home from going out to dinner. I told you she’s a busy gal didn’t I?  Just like this weekend. It started out with my brothers dropping off a cool watering can filled with flowers on Friday and then I tilled her flower garden in front of her house. My two sisters took her out for dinner on Saturday and then to the flower shop to pick up flowers for her yard.  And then my other sister was going to help plant her flowers this afternoon!

Happy Mom's day!

Happy Mom’s day!

So Happy Mother’s day to not only our Mom but to all the other Mom’s out there reading this!

Here’s also a wish for those Moms for many more days with kids around your kitchen table.

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