It happens once a year

It happens once a year.

And what is that you ask? Well it’s our wedding anniversary and this year we’ll be celebrating our 32nd year. Holy Smokes!

Seriously I remember as a kid looking in the newspaper and seeing an announcement where the couple was married 25 years and do you know what I thought? I thought wow those people are really old! I’d look at them and wonder how it would feel to be married to someone for allllll those years 🙂 I just couldn’t imagine it. When your 12 or 13 you think someone who is 18 is old – much less married 25 years!

So what did we do on our anniversary? Not much. When I got home Kyle said that Giggles got out again and when we looked outside – you guessed it, he was was again. So we put in him and it seriously was about 15 minutes and here he was just hanging out by the Roadhouse chair- on the wrong side of the fence. Just so not cool.

Now I really don’t mind him getting out, but I do mind if he would get on the road and get hurt or worse yet, cause an accident. After looking around,  we finally found where he was getting out. Normally you would think that there is no way that Giggles is squeezing through this part of the gate. I know he’s little – but come on right? But after Kyle and I took a better look at the situation and not only saw a path worn in the grass already, but incriminating hoof prints in the mud. Yup, Busted! So for now we stuck a fork in the way so he wouldn’t get out again and so for so good!

There is a fork in the middle of the road

There is a fork in the middle of the road

Daryl had to work long hours today and when he got home he hurried up and got cleaned up so we could get to a wake that was being held in our town. When you live in a small community you seriously pretty much know everyone (and everyone knows you!) And when someone dies, there’s a  good chance that it’ll be someone that you’d like to go and pay your respects to the family at the wake. As we were waiting in line, I looked around at all the flowers and gifts and then saw his wife sitting with the rest of the family. I couldn’t help to think that they sure seemed to be married for a long time and I wonder just how long it was? So I checked out the prayer card and saw that they were married for 60 years! OK, now our 32 years which sounded like a very long time is just a drop in the bucket compared to this couple. So even though tonight was pretty much uneventful, I guess we’ve got about 28 more years to make up for it!

There is one thing that I do every year on our anniversary and that is to get out the photo album from our wedding and just check out the photos. It’s always fun to check them out and every year I think to myself why in earth I chose to wear a hat for the wedding? That decision is way beyond me! Then I wrap the book back up and back it goes into the cedar chest for another year. It seems kinda silly doesn’t it. It’s not like the pictures change or anything. But I’m guessing next year – out the book will come again.IMG_2806

Funny how little things like that become more important as the years go by ….

But for today – – Happy Anniversary to us! img113

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