Mystery Photo 2/25/15 results

And the winner of this week’s Mystery Photo is…… JUDY!

This type of scale was used to weigh milk. We used one like it when we were growing up in the barn. Mom said that every night we would hang the pail of milk that we got from each cow and weigh it. Then we’d record the weight and if the cow wasn’t giving enough milk to keep her  – well, she would get sold!

Here was the clue DSCN9612

And here was the total picture. The hook on the bottom of the scale was to hold the milk pail. Later on when we were growing up, I think we used the hook more to hold the barn radio. If you ever milked cows you know that there always is a radio playing.  And along with that, there always was a debate what station we got to listen to on the radio!


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