Guess what I did tonight?

OK, let’s see what the possibilities are that I could have done tonight.

Clean house? Nope that wasn’t it. Put away the laundry? That wasn’t it either. Make a batch of soap? ding ding ding.. you’re a winner!!

I suppose that  I could have been doing something better with my time, but I really wanted to try to make a two different colored soap. And with Daryl gone to a meeting – it was a perfect night to try it out.

Well first things first. I had found a new recipe and I actually had all the oils to do it. SCORE! Now to figure out what color to make it. The recipe called out for the end soap to add two colors to the base color, but I was just hoping to get one additional color. The real trick was to match the fragrances that I have to the two colors that I also have. Yea.. it wasn’t going so well. So finally I looked in my cupboard and found some turmeric and poppy seeds. OK, now I have a plan. The base color would be plain and then I’ll color the top color with the turmeric to give it the orange color and add poppy seeds and orange fragrance. Man I’m thinking that I’m pretty smart. So I mix in the spice to a small amount of oil and set it aside while the other oils and lye mixture is cooling. Now I’m just checking out other soap blogs on the web when I see that you can add your spices that you want to add to your soap straight to your lye mixture. Hey, that sounds good doesn’t it? It’s supposed to really enhance your color. So I grab the bottle and pour a gob of it into the cooling lye mixture. Then I stand back and was thinking man it’s sure orange. Crap! I just made the whole batch orange!!! Well it was too late and now to come up with the next plan. So the final soap is one that is all orange and the bottom half has poppy seeds in it and the top has orange fragrance and doesn’t have any poppy seeds.

Oh well, there’s always next time to do a better job!

The photo of the day is one that I took when I was just heading to town after work tonight. I could hear this really loud noise when I was outside and couldn’t for the life of me figure just what it was. Finally it dawned on me that it was a helicopter getting closer and closer to our farm. So I grabbed a camera to snap a picture to show just how low these helicopters were flying. The picture really doesn’t do it justice – but believe me they were low!

Can you see the two helicopters?

Can you see the two helicopters?


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