Full Snow Moon

I heard on the radio yesterday morning about the Full Snow Moon or the Full Hunger Moon, but honestly it was on the radio and when I hit the highway and started to drive south to work – well that was the last time that I thought about it all day.

Well, it was the last time that I thought about it until last night. I had a bunch of errands to run after work and of course by the time that I got done it was later in the evening. I started to drive back to our town around 6:30 and just for the life of me couldn’t figure out what was so bright and orange in the sky.

Then it literally dawned on me the moon conversation that they were having on the radio this morning. But man oh man if I knew just how huge, bright, and orange the moon was going to be,  I sure would have listened harder to what they were saying.

So now I’m driving down the road and reaching for my camera to see if I can get a good picture to show just how amazing the moon was. If you remember any of my other moon pictures, you know that I’m not very good at all at taking moon or star pictures. So after I was trying to take the picture and look at them .. and then drive at the same time, I realized just how unsafe this whole scenario was. OK, it wasn’t like I was texting or anything, but it might be not such a good thing either. So I finally pulled over and found out that the picture that I took while I stopped the car on the side of the road looked about the same as the others. Yup, they all needed some help.

Now I’m driving home and put my camera away but still amazed at how bright and orange the moon was. Then I realized that I was in the zone. And I’m not talking a ‘good’ zone either. I’m talking the deer zone that deer stand on both sides of the road and I swear they have contests with each other to see if they can dart between cars. Yea, not a good place to be staring off into space – literally! I decided to pay attention and keep my eyes open for deer until I got home.

So when I got home I grabbed a different camera to see if I could get a better picture while I was standing still in our yard. And the answer was…. nope. Well I guess I’ll have to share the picture while I was coming home tonight as the photo of the day.

The bright light on the right side of the picture is the moon. It was really orange, but  didn't photograph that way.

The bright light on the right side of the picture is the moon. It was really orange, but didn’t photograph that way.

And now a little bit of trivia. Do you know why the February Full moon is called the Full Snow Moon or  the Full Hunger Moon? Since the heaviest snow usually falls during February, native tribes of the north and east most often called February’s full Moon the Full Snow Moon. Some tribes also referred to this Moon as the Full Hunger Moon, since harsh weather conditions in their areas made hunting very difficult.

I bet you didn’t know that did you? 🙂

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One Response to Full Snow Moon

  1. tammy k. says:

    i can’t stop laughing… i have this image of deer on the sides of the road trying to cross like the video game “frogger”!

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