Happy Birthday Mom!

It’s Mom’s birthday today and we have a full day planned. First things first though. Since it was her birthday and everything, I thought we needed to snap a quick picture for her Facebook page. I mean if you’re going to celebrate your 85th Birthday – you might as well start out with an updated Facebook picture. So after I kind of forced her into the photo op in the morning, we got into the car and we were off to the Amish. I was hoping to get there this weekend and I was glad that we did make it after all. I only needed a couple of things and I stuck to the plan of only picking up those things. I can get carried away in the bulk grocery stores, but seriously that’s just has bad news all over it if I bring everything home that I want to. Now you would expect the Amish Community to live on gravel roads and this community isn’t any different. We knew where we needed to go to get to the store there, but finding our way to the ‘right’ highway was another story. After a lot of gravel travel, we finally saw some taller buildings off in the distance and figured it was a town. Now what town was it? We had no clue at the time, but it was at least a town. Seriously sometimes you just can’t be too picky!  Finally we saw on the Post Office that it was a town that was actually not that far off our travel to the town we were headed to and now we were back in business. The only thing that took the worst of it from all the gravel travel was the little car. It started out black in the morning and once we got the the highway.. well let’s just say that I had to wipe off the license plate and the back break lights so you could see them. They had a nice dark brown color of mud (it actually was mud).

We finally made it to town and I had a return that needed to be brought back and then off to the consignment store to drop some more stuff. I have a pretty aggressive money goal that I want to make at this store and if you have something in our house and not being used – well you better grab it quick before I do and sell it at this consignment store!

Next on our travels was to go to my sister’s for dinner. She heard that we were going to be in the area and she only lives about 30 minutes from where we were shopping, so that’s where we were off to next. All their kids and grand kids were home for the weekend so it was a houseful when we showed up. When we got there she was just finishing up in the kitchen and she had the table full of food! I don’t know if it was because we were coming for dinner or if she always cooks like this – but man I think I better be prepared if she stops by our house! We had baked potatoes, chicken cordon blue, steamed broccoli, corn, baked beans, warm apple crisp with ice cream, and for dessert Scotcheroos with chocolate frosting. See.. I told you that she had a lot. Well after our bellies were full and we sang Happy Birthday to Mom, we got back in the car and we were off again.

This time we stopped at the Mall to see about a couple of wedding gifts that Mom needed. We had great luck and what was our next stop? Well supper of course. It was going to be too late to start cooking when we both got home, so we stopped quick for a bite to eat.

At the end of our Birthday Road Trip, it was around 7 pm when we finally walked into the house for the night. What a great day just to drive around and kind of do just whatever we wanted. A little shopping, a little gravel travel, a little visiting, and a lot of good food. Score!

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