Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree….

I’ve been working on decorating the Christmas tree these past couple of days and tonight I finally had a chance to get out the ornaments and start hanging them up. I did get most of them hung but I still needed some garland or something. This tree is kind of lacking in some excitement. DSCN9336The reason I haven’t hung any garland is because I keep thinking what the tree would look like with popcorn garland strung instead. OK, I know that this is a big job and honestly I feel like I’m about two weeks behind now! But I’m just saying it would look pretty cool with the popcorn. So while I was working on the tree and hanging the ornaments, I was wondering just what actually makes the tree the best Christmas tree ? Is it the popcorn garland or the height of the tree? I don’t think so. I’m thinking it’s when you look at the tree and you see all the mix matched ornaments – you remember the Christmas’s from the past. Yup, that’s what I think. So as I’m looking at the tree and I see the brass ornaments that we got when we were first married and some more the boys had got when they were born, I see a couple of home made ornaments that we were given, or the ones that the kids made when they were in grade school. But are you wondering which one is my favorite? Well my favorite is a little star that I macramed when I was a lot younger. I think I must have been around 16? and was really into macrame. Not only at the time was I working on the large lamp’s that hung from the ceiling – but I also made a couple of the little stars for Christmas. Now who would have thought that after all these years that this would bring back so many memories for me? Well, when your’e 16 I’m guessing that it wasn’t something that I was thinking about. Boys maybe – but Christmas memories 35 years from then? Yea, I’m thinking not!   But I can almost see myself sitting in my parents back parlor with the macrame board on my lap just working away.  Kinda cool that something so simple can make you smile isn’t it? What a great tradition a Christmas tree is. DSCN9340

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