Today’s job

I wanted to get the first candy gift baskets done today, so that was my only goal for the day. It shouldn’t be too hard to do – well anyway I’m hoping!

First things first. I wanted Daryl to get everything that he needed to get done in the kitchen done before I even started. Even though we have a pretty big kitchen, for some reason when I am making candy it never seems big enough. To let you know how much room I seem to need,  I even take out the kitchen chairs before I start. So after a Saturday morning breakfast – the kitchen was mine! Below are the remaining steps that happen when I’m in the Christmas candy mood….

Step # 5 : Decision time. What do I need to make that needs to chill in the refrigerator. I wanted to make 2 large baskets today, 2 small baskets, one small container for Ma’s mailman, and another small container if I had some left.

Step # 6 : Git-R- Done! After spending literally all day in the kitchen, I was able to get everything that I wanted to get done – done! It’s a good feeling and to be honest I’m kind of sick of taste testing the candy already. I know that the candy making is just started, but after the first oh… ten pieces, it’s enough for me.  It’s a good thing that Daryl usually isn’t too far away when I’m in the kitchen and I’m finding him to try some of the homemade caramel or peanut clusters. DSCN9288

Step # 6 : Packaging. Now this is the tricky part. You want it to look good when you’re done but also look like you’ve got a wide variety inside the package. I’ve got quite a few different packages that I can choose from to start with, so finding the right container is usually just a hit and miss activity until I see the right one.DSCN9290

Step # 7 :  Coors Light 🙂

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