
Well it’s official. I have joined a gym. Now this might not be earth shattering news to you, but to me? Well it’s kind of big news. The reason that I joined was because I was looking over my 2014 goals and was happy and sad at the same time when I saw that I did the 10k run this year. The happy part of me was feeling pretty good because I’ve never done a 10k before and it was a good goal to get done. So yea for me right? But the kind of sad part of me was that the original goal was to do a half marathon. OK, sometimes I set pretty big goals I get that, but I really would like to do a half marathon (and a marathon) someday. So I had started on my 2015 goals for next year and you guessed it, back on my list the half marathon went. But this time, we have a friend that runs a lot and I was talking to him and we made an agreement. He’s going to do the marathon and I’m going to do the half marathon on an upcoming race in the fall. He had done some half marathons in the past and even some marathons, so he wanted to get back into it. And for me I thought if I said that I’m going to do it with him I don’t think I can back out as easy. So how in the world am I going to get ready for this? Well that’s where the gym comes into the picture. I knew that I wouldn’t run outside too much this winter and even though we do have a treadmill, I’m really not that disciplined to spend the winter running on it. I also wanted to run more on a hard surface instead of a gravel road all the time – so I joined the Wellness Center in a town nearby. Tonight was the first night that I went and even though I was a little intimidated at first, it was too bad. And at the end of the night I was really happy that I made this decision. OK, I know that it was only my first day and all, but I sure hope that I can stay with this and run this fall in the race. If I don’t, I’m not sure on the rules on having the same goal three years in a row!DSCN9244

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