The only thing constant in our family is change

The old saying that the only thing constant is change and that so much fits our family. The reason that I say this is because on Tuesday Kyle had his bags packed and was ready to take Amtrak to New York. He had an interview there on Thursday and with never taking Amtrak in America before – well it was a new adventure for him. And for me? Well I was pretty nervous because we had taken Amtrak before and you are at the mercy of the railroad for any schedules. But of course I was too over dramatic and he made it to New York in plenty of time. Whew! It was another one of those times when you spend wayyyy too much energy worrying about something that you have absolutely no control over.

But like I said he made it to New York and was able to be picked up at the train station by his girlfriend. And how did the interview go? Well it went really well! He was offered the teaching job and will be starting in less than 2 weeks. Yeah!!! He’s pretty excited and is really looking forward to the opportunity.

Now the plan is still to hopefully get back to Iowa in the fall and move to Des Moines so I guess we’ll just see what happens. But for now? Well it sounds like this is just the perfect fit for him.

Here’s a photo op that I took of the boys the other night at our high school basketball game. Two good looking kids if I say so myself 🙂20160304_184615_resized

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Panama – Photos

I’ve realized that I have done a really bad job lately keeping up with new posts. I don’t know what’s going on in our life other than it sure seems like we get busier and busier every day! Holy Cow!! But I’ve decided that I’m going to try harder to post more often and for today’s post I’ve added just some random pictures of Panama that wasn’t in any earlier posts. I’m not sure if you want to see a couple more, but these showed some of the other things that we did.

From spending time on the beachIMG_3638

to seeing elaborate carvings at the buffetIMG_3673

we enjoyed watching quite a few shows at our hotel20160224_204306

IMG_3524and sitting on our patio 20160221_175612

we laughed when we saw this one lonely plate for dieters IMG_3672

and had the perfect pedicure to match the skyIMG_3499

soon we knew our days were numberedIMG_3666

and we had to say good-bye to the warm tropical weatherIMG_3677

but when we were on the plane and the sunrise now was on the back side of the wing,20160225_180512 we knew it was just a matter of time when we would be back to our daily responsibility and this trip would just be a great memory that we all had! IMG_3644


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Panama – Embera Tribe

When we left our hotel this morning we had a chance to stop at one of the local stands on the side of the road to pick up our fruit for the lunch at the tribe. This was a new experience for me and the fruit looked and smelled just wonderful. We spent some time with our guide picking out what everyone liked and then with our bags full, we were off for the day.IMG_3537IMG_3533IMG_3532IMG_3531

So we just came from the waterfall and as our boats pulled up to the bank by the river, we took off our life jackets and was greeted by members of the Embera Tribe that we were visiting. IMG_3610This tribe is a local tribe that lives on the bank of the river and welcomes visitors to their village.IMG_3611 The clothes and the people were beautiful and when we were walking up the path to the main hut we could hear dancing in one of the huts somewhere on the hill.

So now that we were at the village, we found out that each family in the tribe had a table that was filled with their items to sell and I’m just saying it was hard to figure out just what I should buy, everything was made just beautiful. IMG_3612I decided on a really cool woven bowl and for now it’s sitting on our fireplace mantel in our house. I’m not sure what I’ll put in it, but it still is pretty awesome and a great remembrance. 

After a talk from the mayor (?) of the tribe with help from our tour guide as a translator for us,  our meal was delivered by some girls from the village.  The first thing was a couple of fruit plates from the fruit that we had picked up at the beginning of the day. They took it and it was all cleaned and prepared for us. Our guide said he purposely picks up extra fruit to share the leftovers with the tribe. And with only 7 people in our group I’m thinking that we for sure was going to have leftovers! IMG_3616 Then to continue our lunch we were handed some palm leaves with fish and plantains in it. IMG_3614IMG_3615 We were told that they eat a lot of fish that they catch right from the river and I guess you couldn’t have a fresher meal than we got. Below are some pictures of where they prepare the food. We were told that they got buy with little at this tribe and after you look at the pictures below you would agree. 

The kitchen

The kitchen


Making the fish

Cooking the fish

After our meal it was time to watch the women and girls dancing their traditional dances along with the men playing the music.IMG_3618IMG_3620 Then all of a sudden they started to invite us all to dance and soon we were dancing in a hut with the local tribe in the Panamanian jungle. Cool.IMG_3622

After our dancing was done and we did a little more shopping, we headed back to our canoe and eventually made it back up the river to our travel van. What a fantastic experience!

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Panama – Jungle boat ride

With all the scare of the Zika virus going around and it being that we were in Central America and all, we hesitated when we were trying to decide if we were going to take a pirogua canoe up the river in the jungle in Panama. But heck, you only live once right? So we booked the excursion and we did a double check of our bug sprays and we were set. 

The day of the trip started with an early pick up at our hotel with our bags filled with cameras, bug spray, and of course our cameras. Yup, we were ready. So we found our guide and once we were loaded on the bus we found ourselves still waiting for something. You know when you sit on a bus and not sure why you are waiting, but you just know that you have to wait? Yeah, it was one of those times. But finally our guide came back on the bus and said that he had tried to call the other 6 people joining us and couldn’t get in touch with them. And since we waited for 15 minutes of them to show up – well we were going. I’m guessing they’re going to be pretty mad when they remembered they had bought their tickets for this day! Yikes! But for us? Well we all had our own seats and  well so far the trip was looking pretty good.

First thing to do on our jungle ride? Well to get our boat.IMG_3559 We were going upstream to a waterfall and had to make our way through the waters of the Charges River.IMG_3560 See this river is the main water source of the Gutan Lake that feeds the Panama Canal. And if you remember that I wrote that there are crocodiles in the Panama Canal – well guess where they’re coming from? You guessed it , rivers like this. We were kinda confused when we saw a local family washing their clothes on the bank of this river and the kids were also swimming in the river.IMG_3566 Now if there are crocodiles in the river just why in the world would you want to do this? Our guide said that with the water being so low this time of the year, the fish and wildlife move to more secluded areas and so do the crocodiles. Now seriously this is a good thing to know for this family today! 

As we made our way up the river there were a lot of birds flying overhead and every once in awhile I could see fish jump in the water. The water was kinda dirty looking, but after the first time that we got stuck going upstream, hey I was just glad that there was water! IMG_3578The boat that we took was called a piragua. This is a dug out tree made into a boat and it took me quite awhile to get used to it. With 9 of us in it, it did make me a little nervous. But then I realized that if one of our boat travelers was BLIND and didn’t mind it, I couldn’t be such a chicken and actually let loose of the sides after we got going for awhile. 

Our ride up the river through the rain forest jungle was around an hour and then we slowly started to mover toward the land. We were going to hike through the rain forest to visit a waterfall. But before we got to the waterfall we found ourselves going over some pretty fancy bridges IMG_3585(not so much!) IMG_3588and followed a hiking path through the woods. A couple of times we went through the water and rocks, and I was just glad that no one fell. IMG_3597Not here is where you should be asking yourselves “did I miss the part where they put the bug spray on?” Well we ended up never putting it on. Yup, pure confession time. But to our defense, our guide said that the mosquitoes were only out in the early morning and late afternoon, and since it was around noon and with 100% humidity and 100 + degrees – well we should be safe.IMG_3592 So I ended up carrying this bag with not just one but TWO bottles of bug spray and never used it. And I guess he was right, we never did get a mosquito bite on our hike. Hooray! 

We finally made it to the waterfall and it was awesome!IMG_3601a I found an old water camera before we left that I had from about 10 years ago and had taken a couple of pictures in the waterfall. I just can’t wait to develop the pictures. The reason that I say this is because when Daryl and I were sitting under the waterfall and with what should be a pretty good photo, a lady came up and was photo bombing it. No – – she wasn’t just photo bombing it, she climbed up and sat right with us. So weird. And with no signs that she was going to move, she is now part of our picture. If the pictures turn out, I’ll have to share them with you, but I’m just warning you they are going to look pretty bad I’m sure.

Well after a good swim and our photo op’s with our new friend,  we were back on the pirogua and headed to the Embera Tribe down river for a meal that the tribes made and some dancing. It was really fun going on this hike and I’m guessing the tribe visit and food is going to be another adventure! 

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Panama Canal

Now the Panama Canal is such an awesome place I know just right from the beginning that I won’t do it justice in this post. But here I go with my best attempt.

We picked this year’s vacation because we’ve talked about going to the Panama Canal a couple of years ago when we were in Costa Rica but just could’t make it work that time. But this year we planned our vacation around visiting the canal. Seriously how awesome is that?

The booking of the canal trip started  when we sat down with a travel agent in our hotel. We got the advice on this hotel group from our airport driver and we were glad that we cancelled our first booking that we did on the internet and choose this group instead.

So we started out the morning getting picked up at our hotel and headed to our boat for the day. The trip was going to take us a good 2 hours to get to our destination and when we got stuck in traffic with people driving literally in all the lanes (both the ones that you should be driving in and the ones that you shouldn’t be driving in!) all of a sudden we got nervous that we wouldn’t make it to the boat in time. Seriously! When we asked our tour guide what would happen if we were late she said haven’t you ever heard of ‘missing the boat’? Yeah, the bus got a little quite at that point because, well because we all probably had heard that saying before!  But soon we turned off the main highway and was making good time again in traffic. We found ourselves stopping just as we got to the river and when were getting off to stretch our legs, all of a sudden our tour guide comes back and said for us to hurry and get back on the bus – the boat was waiting. Holy Smokes! So we hurried back to our seats and then on to the boat we go. There was sure a lot of people on the boat when we got there and in the course of the next 30 minutes it was full. It really looked like to me a big boat with a lot of people on it, but that was sure not the case when we were up against the freight carriers in the canal later.

Once we started down the canal we saw a lot of different  birds and seagulls along the way and even though they said that there are crocodiles in the river, we never did see any of them. DSCN8711But as we made our way down the canal and headed into the first locks . There was a very HUGE ship that we were being paired up and now our boat wasn’t looking just so big anymore. DSCN8708Now this is where the awesome part comes in. We were in the Panama Canal going through the locks. We started watching our boat going through the locks in the front of the boat and ended up in the back  with the suggestion of Daryl and my brother. What a good idea that was because we could see the gates coming to a close right before our eyes.20160220_111437There are two sets of gates together just in case one fails and they didn’t want to drain the lake that feeds the water to the canal. But the gates don’t close completely and the force of the water pushes them together to have them sealed.DSCN8721

We ended up going through 2 locks and under a couple of bridges. One was the Bridge of AmericasDSCN8695 and the other was the Centennial Bridge Panama.20160220_115133

We did run into a problem though that I have to tell you about. We had a guy that was what I would call a bully on our boat. He was probably around his mid 70’s and started to pick a fight with another person while on the boat. Well they ended up just yelling at each other and that was that. Then this same guy started to pick a fight with someone else and things got bad. They ended up pushing each other and there was concern that the bully was going to push the other guy overboard into the canal. OK, seriously? Well later on in the trip we found out from a tour guide that the pilot of the ship (you have to have a representative on board from the canal with your boat captain) asked our boat captain if this ever happened before and he was told never! The pilot said that he wouldn’t do anything about it unless this guy kept it up. See the pilot had said that this guy who was picking fights had put the security of the Panama Canal in danger. Now what would that mean to this guy if he did call the local federal police? Well it would mean a fine and most likely the bully would have to spend the rest of his life in jail in Panama. Crazy!

I guess you learn something new all the time. And this time it’s to never pick a fight when you’re on the Panama Canal! 

After our canal trip and while we were headed back to our hotel, we laughed at this bridge so hard until we thought about just what exactly we were seeing and then we got a little nervous. What we were looking at was the bridge that we were crossing with our tour van would flip the wooden planks up when we would drive over them because they were loose.20160220_130631Now I don’t know if someone stole the nails or something out of these boards, but even I knew that this was something that you don’t … and probably shouldn’t see every day.

So here are some pictures of the canal that I took. You’re kinda lucky, I’m  only sharing a few – I do have a LOT more 🙂

Panama City

Panama City

DSCN8647 DSCN8701And would I recommend this trip to you? Absolutely – I mean it is the 8th Wonder of the World you know. DSCN8724It took 250,000 people to build it and we were up close and personal with 5,000,000 ton vessels rise and drop 50 feet in front of us. 20160220_115952

and we even were able to see the new addition to the canal that they were building. 20160220_114403

Yeah, pretty cool.


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Panama 2016

Wow! Where to start? We had a such a fantastic vacation and all our travels went so well, yup life if good! Because I always take so many pictures (shock right?), I decided to brake down our travels by categories for the blog posts. That way I can kinda spread the pictures out so you won’t get too overloaded. 

So first things first. Getting ready. It’s always nice to go with another couple because you can talk about what you should and shouldn’t bring. Since we were headed to Panama in February, there was a couple of essential things we all needed to bring. # 1 Swimsuit – now this is a must! and I ended up bringing about 4 along just in case. Now just in case of what? Who knows, but I’ll be ready. # 2 bug spray. This has been become an important item for anyone traveling this year with the Zika virus going around and I know that we had a couple of spray cans of bug spray and I also had some essential oil concoction with us. While the others traveling with us had a bottle of bug spray that was almost all DEET. Yup, we were ready! And for the rest of the things to pack? Well that included summer dresses for the evenings, suntan lotion, and flip flops. We had this trip planned since last Fall so we all were really looking forward to it.

Our Trip: we headed to the cities the night before we left because our flight the next morning was leaving really early so we could get to Panama yet in the afternoon. We also knew that we were going to be pretty tired the next day – but heck who cares right? We’re on vacation! 

Morning sunrise while we were on the airplane

Morning sunrise while we were on the airplane

Everything went well with our flights which was a good thing, and soon we were standing in the airport looking for our hired transfer guy holding up a poster with our information on it. We found him in the crowd and with the weather around 90 to 95 degrees and a couple of locally made beers, seriously how could you go wrong ?IMG_3490On the way to the hotel we were able to drive over the Panama Canal and we were excited to have the chance in a couple of days to take an actual boat tour ride through it. It honestly seemed a little unreal if you asked me. And I knew just how lucky we were to be having this chance to do this. 

Seeing the Panama Canal on the way to our hotel

Seeing the Panama Canal on the way to our hotel

Here are some pictures of our hotel and our beach that I had taken to give you an idea of what we were calling home for the next 8 days. I tried to get out and get some pictures early before the crowds came. I think I’m going to like it here. IMG_3494

Food and more food...

Food and more food…


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We are back!

We’ve just spent the last 8 days in Panama and what a trip that was! We got back to our farm around 11:30 pm Thursday night and after a full day of work on Friday, I’m going to be busy today with laundry and just trying to catch up.

But I did take tons of pictures, so I’ll try to load some of them later this afternoon. As for now? Well my first load of laundry is done and with the sun just starting to come up, I think it looks like a great day to hang most of them outside.

Talk to you later this afternoon!IMG_3682

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Gone for a couple of days

I’ll be gone for a couple of days and will catch up with you when I get back. And no it doesn’t have anything to do with the bad karma week that I just had 🙂

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Bad Karma

Have you ever just had really bad luck or what some people say ‘Bad Karma’ ? Well that was me these past two weeks and to say that I didn’t like it too much would be such an understatement!

Well the bad luck was dealing with our electronics. The first thing to go was the I Pad. All of a sudden Daryl said that it won’t let you do anything. Well you know how I’m not the best with fixing things or patience – so I said I’ll bring it to Best Buy Geek Squad because we bought insurance. Not so bad right? 

The next thing was that on last Friday morning my Mac froze up. Just so not cool! But things happen and after a VERY frustrating couple of days of resetting my password I thought OK I’ll bring this to the Geek Squad too. 

Well on Saturday I was using the older laptop which at this time was the only one that was working and it just decided to quit. When I tried to reboot it, it wouldn’t go on. By now you can just about imagine how happy (or better put unhappy) I was feeling. But I was able to recover it and life was as bad. UNTIL….  

When I came downstairs after feeling pretty happy that at least I had one computer to use, Kyle said that the internet was down. Yup – that did it!! So I called the carrier and said that it is down and what is going on? Well she was pretty persistent and said that I needed a technician to come to our house. So you remember that I had this conversation not that long ago right? I was NOT in the mood to have a conversation with her and she said she’ll send one out and it will probably be on Monday. Well as we were getting ready to go to William’s on Saturday, and thank goodness everyone was pretty much dressed, there was a guy walking around outside. It was our technician. Now I don’t know why he came so fast – but good for us. And guess what he found? He said we had a short in our phone adapter and he fixed it within no time. 

So now my MAC has been completely rebuilt and erased, the lap top is still working, the I Pad was unstuck on the program, and we have internet. Yup life is good again! 


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Healthy Cookies

Tonights post is a recipe for some pretty healthy cookies that are even good. Yeah, go figure right? I got the recipe from someone at work that is so good at eating healthy that I’m always trying to learn some of her secrets. So her recipe is made without any white sugar, flour, or salt. But don’t go away just yet, they are honestly pretty good! She uses them for her kids as breakfast cookies. She leaves out the M&M’s but if you ask me that’s one of the good parts! 

Here’s the recipe for Healthy Cookies

  • 4 1/2 cups quick oats
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 3/4 cups chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup M&M’s
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 1/4 cup peanut butter

Mix oatmeal, baking soda, chocolate chips, & M&M’s together. In a separate bowl mix the honey, brown sugar, butter, vanilla, eggs, and peanut butter together. DSCN8622Mix in dry ingredients and bake on greased cookie sheet @ 350 degrees for 7 to 8 minutes. Makes around 4 dozen small cookies. DSCN8623

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