Happy December!

As I looked back on my lack of posts that I didn’t do for November I realized that you might think that I’ve gone to some exotic island or maybe even fled the country. 

Yea, not so much! It seems like we’ve just been so busy with a lot of projects that I haven’t been keeping up with this blog. But now that’s it’s December – let’s see how well I can do. 

First things first. One of the major things that I’ve done in November was to have an Open House for my soaps. I know crazy right? Just about two years ago I was trying to be a big girl and getting courage to sign up for a vender show, and now I rented a building in our town and was sponsoring my own show! Well to be honest I was kinda shocked that I wasn’t freaking out about more about this upcoming show. It was kind of new thing for our town and I wasn’t sure how it was all going to turn out. Oh well right? I mean I would be out $40 for the hall rental if it didn’t go well so I thought why not try it? 

And guess how it turned out? It turned out AWESOME! I mean I had a steady crowd from the beginning and pretty much sold out of all my inventory. With Christmas being a busy soap season (kinda funny there’s a season for soap right?) anyway with it being busy I doubled my inventory before we started and I went home with just a handful or two of the soaps that were left. SCORE! 

To backtrack a little bit, I wanted to have this show on Small Business Saturday and with having the chance to have Friday off before the show after Thanksgiving, and my niece and nephew to help with the setup – it worked out great! But we did have a little bit of a challenge when we were setting up. See the room that I used was a room that needed to be transformed a lot if I wanted to make it look like a little store and with about 6 truckloads of stuff from the farm to town, well we did finally get the room set up and it looked nice. When we were bringing things to town to setup I’m not sure what our neighbors were thinking when we drove by one time with a huge Christmas tree in the back of the truck, and then the next time with all the wicker furniture piled high in the back, and then even the next time with the back filled with some huge area rugs for the rental hall. But for some reason after living in this area for over 30 years – I’m thinking they take just everything in stride 🙂 

The room when we walked in 

The room after we were set up

So when the actual vendor show started we had a great crowd and it was pretty much steady up until the last hour or so. Being a Rookie at this, I wasn’t sure how long to set the time and next year if I do this again, I’ll set it for an hour less. But one thing that I really appreciated was my families help! From the niece and nephew helping to lug all the stuff from the farm to the hall and then helping to set it all up, to our son and daughter in law helping not only to do some final product marking but also helping on the day of the show, our other son’s photography skills that he created some Business Posters along with some great wall art, and finally Daryl for putting up with this crazy idea of mine and also helping with the show. Our house and lives just are not the same since I started this little Hobby of mine! It truly was a family activity and I really couldn’t have done this without them. 

So now what? Now I better get some more soap made!

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2 Responses to Happy December!

  1. Charlene says:

    I bet it smelled even better than it looked!

    • farm2011 says:

      I think I’ve become used to them, but I did hear some comments that you could smell all the different fragrances when you just walked into the hall 🙂

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